Fall Color

Xeriscape Denver

By Duane O'Hara - November 20, 2015

Fall is a beautiful time to experience the many different colors alandscape has to offer. Colors range from red, orange, purple, yellow, and light tan on all grasses. The feathers on the grasses look really beautifull and when it snows the snow sticks to the feathers and creates a breath taking experience. It is important to let your landscape grow through the winter instead of trimming it to the ground, so it can have a chance to develop its root structure and weather the upcoming winter. 
Even though these are xeriscape plantings theystill require care and maintenance through the winter. too much snow on your plants can damage the shape of the plants, so we recommend taking a rake, or broom and lighting brushing your plant will help remove the weight of the snow; thus, allowing your plant to thrive through the cold weather. Waering your plants on days when the snow is removed either by yourself, or warm tempratures we recommend watering your plant material. 
if you have any questions please give us a call 720-394-3401, or email us at info@wildirishman.com. 

Thank you
Duane O'Hara
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