Wintertime Denver Landscaping Projects You Can Do to Feel Productive When There’s Snow on the Ground

December 22, 2020

Winter often leaves die-hard gardening enthusiasts feeling restless. After all, you can’t go out into your garden and bury your hands in the soil. It’s far too cold for that and you won’t be able to plant starters in your garden for another few months. But that doesn’t mean you can’t embrace your inner Denver landscape design specialist and get a jumpstart on your springtime plans. You just need to choose your projects wisely. Here are a few great tasks you can do that will leave you feeling productive and will satisfy your urge to get back in the garden.

Organize Your Tool Storage

If you have garden tools in your garage or in a dedicated storage shed, the chances are good that they’re not as organized as you’d like. This will only make it harder for you to get back to work once the weather improves. Instead of letting your tools sit in a state of disarray, be proactive. Organize them in a way that works for your needs. If you haven’t already, now is the perfect time to clean your tools, too. Once they’re clean and you know where everything is, you’ll be ready to hit the garden running once spring comes back around. 

Draft a List of Improvements You Want to Make

Spring will be here before you know it and the better prepared you are, the easier it will be for you to start projects and complete them on time. Give yourself a head start and create a list of improvements that you want to make once the weather warms up. You can even buy the tools and equipment you need to complete those projects ahead of time. If you do, you’ll be able to avoid out-of-stock issues at your garden center when everyone else is rushing to buy equipment.

Rebuild Your Beds and Trim

Believe it or not, your garden beds need TLC in the winter months. You don’t have to try to replenish the nutrients in the soil when the ground is frozen—that would be far too much work and not worth the small reward it might yield. But you can make sure the boundaries between the beds and the rest of your garden are in good condition. If you notice any damaged bits of trim or missing materials, replace them as soon as you can. The sooner you can replace those damaged areas, the easier it will be for you to start planting once the ground thaws.

Winter Projects Can Still Be Useful

Just because winter is in full swing doesn’t mean you can’t look after your garden. You just need to be creative about the projects you take on and the tasks you accomplish. Keep these things in mind and you’ll be able to indulge your passion without having to worry about wasting your time on projects that don’t matter. If you need a little extra help or want an experienced pro to help you breathe new life into your garden, don’t wait. Schedule an appointment with our team today.
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