Before and After Landscape Projects

When you look at some of our before and after photos of the landscaping projects, what feeling do you get? Hopefully you enjoy the eye candy, and get a peaceful feeling. That is definitely the feeling I get when I see a finished patio or a simple fire pit. And that is the vibe that I want each of our clients to get when we do a landscaping project for them. If we accomplish that for each customer, then I feel like we have done our job.

Some people may think that they can get stress relief by crashing on the couch and watching reality TV for a few hours after work. That may work for some folks, but for me it seems like all that drama just adds more stress to our lives. Not to mention, being couped up the house all the time is not great for our health. For my money, I will take a couple of hours sitting on my patio with fireflies floating by, as I listen to the small waterfall in my pond. Also, I am not opposed to a cat nap in a hammock on a cool fall day! These things bring me peace.

Another great thing about having a nice hardscape and pretty landscaping in your backyard, is the opportunity to gather with friends and family. With smart phones and social media rapidly taking over our real lives, we need some gathering time in a peaceful area to connect with our loved ones. Don’t get me wrong, I love technology as much as anyone. But I hate seeing people ignore each other in favor of a little glass screen that has mostly meaningless tweets and Facebook updates. Spending a few hours every week with your family and friends at the pool or in a scenic backyard, gives you the opportunity to bond and create memories that will outlast any social media post.

Denver Xeriscape Landscaper

Home Page before(6)Xeriscaping is a wonderful way to improve the look of your yard, and this type of landscaping design provides you with several other important benefits. This is a natural type of design that utilizes native vegetation coupled with rock and stone designs. Generally, because the plants used in the design are native to the area, they largely can thrive in your yard without the need to water them on a regular basis. They will adjust to the natural rainfall that your yard receives, and this can help you to save money on your water bill.

More than that, xeriscaping also is a low-maintenance style of landscaping design that effectively can help you to save time and energy on your lawn chores. One of the regular aspects of yard maintenance relates to mowing and trimming the lawn. Because there is little to no grass in this style of design, you will not need to worry about mowing the lawn every week. With the many benefits associated with xeriscaping, you will see that this is the style of landscaping design that you want to incorporate into your space. You can work with a professional landscaping designer to create a design that is ideal for your yard, and the landscaping design team can incorporate the new design into your space so that you can start enjoying these benefits.

Lawn Care Tips in Denver

PIC19Did you used to enjoy mowing your own lawn, but now hate to even think about doing it? Maybe it is not so much the job, but how you have set it up to be harder than it should be. If you have to do too much hand weeding in the beds and you are attached to a weed whacker for very long at all, then you have some landscaping issues. These problems are causing the mowing to be a hassle.

Your goal when doing anything to your landscaping should be twofold. You want beauty and you want easy maintenance. You can get the beauty by picking out great colors and the right plants for the right areas. You get easy maintenance by laying out the landscape properly, or having a qualified professional do that for you. By having your landscaping layout just right, you can cut your mowing time down and reduce the time you spend with that weed whacker.

One way to save time messing with trimming weeds is to make sure you can use that mower to get most of the cutting done. That is a key goal, because every other tool besides the mower requires a bit more physical effort. To get the most out of your mower, make beds rounded and don’t leave narrow paths of turf between beds that a mower will not fit through. No tight turns in the rounded beds either. Imagine using your mower as you create the beds, and you will know if the turn is too tight for the mower to get each blade of grass. Also, if you have shady areas in which grass just thins out every summer, just make that area into a bed. You are fighting a losing battle and wasting time mowing an area that will never be what you desire.

A little planning goes a long way when it comes to your hassle free landscape. The time and effort saved is well worth the pre planning. No one I know likes to run a weed trimmer, so do yourself a favor, and avoid using one as much as possible.

Denver Landscaping to Reduce Water Usage

Denver Landscaping that Conserves Water 

Lowering your household’s water consumption is a positive step that shows you care about the environment. It can also reduce your utility costs. However, saving on water does not mean that you have to deal with inferior landscaping. Wild Irishman has beautiful landscaping solutions that are environmentally friendly.
If you are interested in water-smart landscaping, it is vital that you add the correct types of grass, plants and trees to your yard. Some types of landscaping require much less water than others, so you can save easily by choosing species that do not require a large amount of water to thrive. 
You don’t have to be a plant expert to have a water-smart lawn. Our employees know which plants thrive in Denver, and we will work with you to choose plants that are appealing and durable in our climate.
You can also conserve water by installing an automatic sprinkler system. These types of systems can be programmed to deliver exactly the right amount of water to your landscaping, so there is no waste.
If you have a sprinkler system, be sure that it is programmed to water your landscaping in the very early morning hours. This will keep you from losing a large quantity of your water because of evaporation. 
If you’re looking for experts in Denver landscaping, Wild Irishman is here to help you reduce your water costs and beautify your lawn.

Who to Trust for Your Landscaping in Denver

General Landscape (2)I have seen it happen over and over in the years I have been in the landscaping industry. I hear people complain about getting ripped off by a “door knocker” who is offering landscaping services. All too often the story is about the same, “The guy started the project, then needed some money for supplies, and then we never saw him again.” It is sad to hear this type of story, as it makes everyone in the legitimate landscaping industry look bad. That is not fair because I truly believe that the vast majority of people try to do business in an honest way. It is just that the bad experiences seem to stick out.

One way to protect yourself from getting a bad deal in a landscaping project is to know who you are dealing with always. Some guy who just knocks on the door one Wednesday morning with a truck and a shovel, is not likely the most trustworthy person or the most experienced. If he had a great reputation and plenty of happy customers, he would not have the free time to be knocking on doors during a week day. These guys usually give a super low estimate on a job so it is hard to resist. If it sounds too good to be true, then you know the rest of the saying.

Always get references from landscapers. Of course they are not going to give you people who were unhappy with their work, but you can get past that. Get ten references, and that makes it harder for a company to only give you their friends and family for references. Also, it is good to have references from people very close to your neighborhood, or inside your neighborhood is even better. That way you can see for yourself the job that was done by your prospective landscaping company.

The bottom line is to know who you are dealing with before you start writing checks. You wouldn’t buy a car from a guy who just shows up knocking on your door. So it is not the best idea to buy landscaping services from such a visitor either.

Denver Landscapers

Home Page before(6)Maintaining your garden and lawn on your own can be done, but often it is a better choice to have a professional take care of your outdoor spaces, because doing this will help to add curb appeal to your home. Letting a professional landscaper help spruce up your yard will also enhance the overall value of your home, making it easier to recoup more value from the home if you decide to move.

Another benefit is that having a professional landscaper take care of your yard is a better time-saver and will also keep you from exerting too much effort to keep your lawn looking beautiful. Large stretches of property often benefit from professional landscaping, given the size and the time it would take the homeowners to take care of it. It is also preferable to hire a professional landscaper so that they can see if there are any problems developing in the yard. It will be easier to head these problems off if a professional can get to them first, because they will have the knowledge and materials to address it quickly. Overall, this will save you money as a homeowner and will also prevent the need for anyone to dig up your lawn.

Call Wild Irishman if you are looking for a Denver landscaper today!

Add Character to Your Denver Home

Home Page before(6)One of the best steps that you can take to add character and individuality to your front yard or backyard is to use xeriscaping techniques. Many yards today have the typical green lawn, flower beds and bushes, and these yards may have a pleasing look. However, they can also create a cookie-cutter look to your space.

When you want to break out of the mold to enhance your space with a unique design, xeriscaping can help you to accomplish your goal. Xeriscaping generally is considered to be an environmentally friendly method of landscaping, and this is because it involves using drought-tolerant, native vegetation coupled with other features that utilize little or no water. 

While the method is environmentally friendly, a creative landscaping can utilize design elements that are as unique and individual as the home itself. For example, the flower beds and plants can be installed in a carefully planned layout. In addition, dry beds with flat rocks can be installed for irrigation or water control purposes.

These are just a few of the many design elements that can be incorporated into your yard through xeriscaping. You can meet with a professional landscaping skilled in xeriscape design as a first step toward updating your space today, and by doing so, you can learn more about the incredible possibilities for your space. 

Denver Landscaping

Home Page before(6)As a homeowner in the Denver area, you may be looking for great ways to save money on your water bill. Reducing your monthly expenses can be challenging to do without drastically altering your lifestyle, but there is a clear and easy solution available that may give you the results you want without having to change your lifestyle at all.

With a xeriscape landscaping design in your yard, your yard will require little to no water, but it will continue to look great for years to come. A yard with a xeriscape design is one that utilizes rock and stone features as well as native vegetation. These are plants that are drought-resistant, and they are designed to live naturally in the native climate. This means that they will thrive based on the natural rainfall that they receive, and you will not need to water them on a regular basis. 

One of the most significant sources of water consumption in many homes relates to watering the lawn and gardens, so you can drastically reduce your water bill when you install this type of design in your space. While you can try to achieve a beautiful design through your own efforts, you may enjoy a better overall design that is attractive and that conserves water efficiently by working with a professional landscaping firm that focuses on xeriscape designs.

Denver Waterfall Design

Water feature (2)Incorporating water features into your backyard’s landscape design is an activity that can be completed any time during the year. Even on some of Denver’s cold winter days, Wild Irishman can add water features, waterfall design, ponds, and streams to the backyard of your home. With vast experience working with a wide variety of landscaping projects, the experts at Wild Irishman have a waterfall design in mind for anyone.

Reduced Flooding Hazards

Traditional ponds, streams, and rivers carry the liabilities and risks associated with flooding. With customized waterfalls and streams, preventing disaster is as simple as flipping a switch. Since Denver homeowners are in control of the water following through these systems at all times, they carry little risk of causing property damage.

Pondless Streams

Traditional waterfall designs require a pond or large water source where water can be stored before traveling down the waterfall. By storing this water in an underground cistern, the dangers associated with a pond can be avoided while saving valuable space in your backyard.

Utilize an Expert in Waterfall Design

Wild Irishman Tree and Landscaping services is a Denver landscaper that specializes in full-service landscaping solutions for both commercial and residential properties. Backyard waterfall design and artificial water control specialties are one of Wild Irishman’s core competencies, and interested prospective clients can call today for a free consultation.

Denver Outdoor Kitchens

PIC14Homeowners that want to make their homes a great place for friends and family to spend time on a hot summer day should aim to do something creative with their backyards. Installing an outdoor kitchen can turn your backyard retreat from ordinary to extraordinary! Wild Irishman is a local Denver landscaper with over a decade and a half of experience designing and building outdoor kitchens for homeowners that want the best.

Built-in Barbecue Grill

What could be better than having a full-service kitchen available for your guests right in your backyard? With a built-in barbecue grill permanently incorporated into your own outdoor kitchen, you and your family will have everything you need in one place. This cuts down on trips between the indoor kitchen and grill, making cooking for guests much more convenient.

Custom Granite Countertops

While cooking for your guests in your outdoor kitchen, Denver homeowners enjoy having custom granite countertops where guests can come and spend time together. By installing custom cabinets and chairs all around the granite countertop, everything needed for cooking can be within reach while giving guests a place to watch your delicious cooking.

Own the Ultimate Outdoor Kitchen

Wild Irishman is an BBB-accredited landscaper with vast experience designing exceptional outdoor kitchens for local Denver residents. Give Wild Irishman a call today to see how your outdoor patio can be transformed into the ultimate outdoor kitchen.